Thursday, March 15, 2007

Some dreams (1)

Dream 1: I am in a corridor and it seems to be a visit because I'm following a guide. The path is round like a snail. There is a dinners room in the center: an empty luxuous restaurant with bright candles reflecting in glasses. Waiters and maître d'hôtel are going on and on. I pass by and the guide lead me to the end of the corridor, in a circular library. Inside, it is full of used books, and a man try to show me something about WW2: sepia pictures of regiments with jeeps crushed by a red triangle from above. But I have difficulties to maintain my attention: the librarian is wearing a "ficelle" wool jacket that my father used to wear when I was little, and huge whiskers, like Nietzshe did.

Dream 2: I was trapped in a bed with unknowns, I was feeling like I was invisible. I woke up several time in that bed and each time, a new person was leaving, both men or women, all unknown. The room was dark, with a window showing foggy weather, outside. My mother was sitten near it, in the darkness of the room. My father was standing at the door on my left, in a clear living room, a television was behind him.
The bed I am in separe them both. It is placed in the path through the door leading outside. I thought it was winter, but when I finaly went outside, it was a mid-summer sky, with a blinding sun. With my bare feet, I felt burning sand in the gutters.

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